» If you're in the mood to help
Ashley's kill some kegs, Ann Arbor still has a number of Bell's beers left over from last Wednesday's
25th anniversary event with Larry Bell, while Westland has 20 or more Belgian ales still on tap from the Feb. 16-20
Belgian Beer Festival. As an incentive, a couple of Belgians (beers, not, you know, people) will be on special for $2 off a glass until the kegs blow, at which point a couple more will be given the "special" treatment.
Knaves Marcello Grasso and Roy More
enjoy some Belgian ales. |
» And speaking of the Belgian festival, owners
Jeff More and
Roy More declared it to be a big success and plan on doing it again sometime, probably next year. In particular, many people (myself included) enjoyed the food options, which were mostly prepared by
Marcello Grasso, former Eve chef and co-owner of
From the Hearth Food, a local catering service. Despite failing to be Belgian, Marc turned out an impressive buffet of Belgian-inspired fare, much of it made it with the beers themselves, including salads, dips, sandwiches, sausages, meatballs, fish, Flemish stew, and a fountain of Belgian chocolate. Seriously, dude knows his way around a kitchen and I hope he'll be handling the next Belgian fest as well.
MS Paint, baby... this is the best I got. |
» Beginning today, Feb. 28, at Ann Arbor is
Attack of the Hops!, featuring some x-tremely big, hoppy beers on tap through March 6, including
Bell's Two-Hearted and
Arbor Ryeclops,
Founders Red's Rye PA and
Double Trouble,
Sierra Nevada Hoptimum,
Stone Ruination,
New Holland Imperial Hatter, North Peak
Arcadia B-Craft Black and
Dogfish Head 90 Minute,
Short's Huma Lupa Licious, and more. Bonus: On Thursday, March 3, a firkin of Arcadia
Hop Rocket will be tapped at 6pm. All in all, it's a hophead's wet dream...
and a malt hound's worst nightmare!
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