Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Detroit Fall Beer Festival Is Coming

The third annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival is coming up this Saturday, and once again, the Washtenaw area is well represented with 40 of the 309 beers that will be pouring, or around 13% of the total. There's no real point to me saying this, other than "Neener, neener, other parts of Michigan! We have lots of beer in our area!" Here's what the locals are bringing:

Arbor Brewiing Co.
Buzzsaw American IPA
Faricy Stout
Jackhammer Old Ale
Spiced Belgian Style Blonde

Blue Tractor BBQ & Brewery
Hunter’s Moon Hoppy Belgian Red Ale
Sweetwaters Java Stout
Darkside Lager
Pumpkin Ale

Corner Brewery
Olde Number 22 Sticke Alt
Espresso Love Coffee Oatmeal Stout
Larry Hoppe Double IPA
Ypsi Gypsi American Pale Ale

Frog Island Brewing Co.
Devil in the Details Russian Imperial Stout
Castle Bravo DIPA
Moonsqualler Wee Heavy
Bengal IPA
Bad Yama Jama Yam Porter
Vanilla Porter
Derby ist Kreig German Alt

Grizzly Peak Brewing Co.
Le Poisson Rouge avec Camomille
Sheerwater IPA
Klevenkop Pumpkin Spiced Ale
Verloene Hosen Uber-Marzen
Our Precious Baltic Fluid Baltic Porter

Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales
La Parcela Sour Pumpkin Ale
Fuego del Otono Chestnut Ale

Liberty Street Brewing Co.
Punkin Pie Ale
Liberty One Porter
Barber's Garden IPA

Original Gravity Brewing Co.
ShineBox Dunkelweizen
Old Skool Altbier
Fresh Hop Dark Ale
Southpaw IPA
Primordial Porter

Wolverine State Brewing Co.
Premium Lager
Dark Lager
Cucurbita Smiles Pumpkin Lager

The entire beer list is here. If you didn't already pick up tickets, you're probably out of luck at this point. If you were smart and did pick up tickets, what are you eager to try?

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